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Receiver In Canal 


RICS have an external receiver that sits directly in the ear canal.


The RIC hearing aid is similar on first glance to BTE hearing aids, they sit discreetly behind the ear and are connected by a thin wire with a receiver placed inside the opening of the ear canal. They are less noticeable than more traditional BTE hearing aids types.

Regular changes of the wax guards are necessary to keep the hearing aid running at it’s optimum performance. They need to be regularly maintained as they are susceptible to both moisture and ear wax blockage or damage.

Most RICs use batteries which are generally smaller than BTE aids which may mean more battery changes. They are also available in rechargeable options – which means no more battery changes and enhanced moisture protection.

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Styletto image receiver in the canal hearing aid
Receiver In the Canal hearing aid


Premium Hearing Aids 

 £3600 PER PAIR

 + £150 for rechargeable option

+£150 for Premium Plus 

Advanced Hearing Aids 

 £2800 PER PAIR

+£150 for rechargeable option


Mid Range 
Hearing Aids

£2000 PER PAIR 

+£150 for rechargeable option


Economy Hearing Aids

£1200 PER PAIR

+£150 for rechargeable option


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Always Ear - 58, Woodlands Road, Ansdell. FY8 4BX 
Tel: 01253 462658 0r 07752821925


Registered office address
Ground Floor, Seneca House Links Point, Amy Johnson Way, Blackpool, Lancashire, England, FY4 2FF

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